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No Offense

Randy Lacey

This may come as somewhat of a shock to you, but there will be some who read this piece and take offense to it. Then, as if by some great revelation will determine that I offended them when in reality the decision to be offended was theirs. They are the ones who TOOK offense. That is an action, a decision made possible by the only person capable of that action.

Let’s say for example, oh I don’t know, I make an honest comment about how tired I am about hearing the ongoing news about the royal family. Someone may tell me that I am being insensitive and take offense at my comments. Who is responsible for the way they respond or feel about what I said? I have only said what I truly feel for me. I have not told anyone in any way, shape, or form to think the way I do. If what I said bothers them then it is up to them to discern why and work, it out for themselves. It is not my doing.

Now let’s turn the situation around on me. Someone reads this post and leaves a comment that is not too positive or favorable, what are my choices? I could choose to take offense at what is being said and let it affect me for however long I choose to no longer affect me, OR I can read their comments, understand that this is their opinion (opinions are neither right or wrong) and continue on with my day. The bottom line, at least for me is that if I spent all my time taking offense to what everybody says or thinks about what I say or do, there will not be enough time in the day to get anything done. Nor would it be good for my emotional state of being.

Blaming someone for how you chose to feel is like blaming God for Adam’s decision to disobey God’s command not to eat of that fruit. Then what did Adam do, instead of owning up to his decision and his choice he blamed it on Eve. Oddly enough, it isn’t documented whether Eve took offense to that or not, but considering where we are in the world today, you can almost that she did.

So please, before you go and blame someone for your choice on how to feel, first find out why you chose to feel this way in the first place. Imagine, just imagine if everyone in the world did this what might happen. For one, there would be less people being offended, meaning less people’s mental health being affected negatively. There might be less stress, strife, and suffering.

As I stated above, opinions are just that, opinions. They are neither right nor wrong. The only thing they are is property of the person holding them. Once you accept that opinion what you do with that is on you and you alone. Do yourself a favor and stop being so darn offended and spend your time on something more constructive. Both you and the world around you will the better for it. Let’s face it, the alternative is not a pleasant one, bitterness, anger, resentment. All the qualities to make anyone’s life enjoyable.

I hate to say it, but perhaps Bobby McFerirn was on something when he sang “Don’t Worry, Be happy”.

A word to the wise, choose only that which makes you a better person. If you think being offended so often makes you a better person, well that’s still your choice and no one else’s.

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